Finding Detection and Forensic Goodness In ETW Providers

Nasreddine Bencherchali
6 min readAug 26, 2021



Hello and welcome to this follow-up blog on ETW. If you haven't read the first part I highly suggest you do because this will be a direct build-up on the concepts introduced there. (Link below)

Last time we talked about ETW and its different components. This time I thought I’ll take a look at some of the providers out there. With more than 1000+ providers available by default I started researching interesting events that can help us during detection and forensic investigations.

So let’s get started.

Note: Some of the telemetry mentioned here can be obtained via different providers, channels, or methods. The point is to showcase some of the lesser-known ETW providers or at least the not-so-common.


Process Creation

  • EID: 1
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process/Analytic
  • Description: Capture process creation

Here is an example showing “explorer.exe” spawning “cmd.exe” :

EID 1 — Process Creation

Thread Start

  • EID: 3
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process/Analytic
  • Description: Capture thread start in a process

Here is an example showing “cmd.exe” starting a thread:

EID 3 — Thread Start

Image Load

  • EID: 5
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Process/Analytic
  • Description: Capture when an Image is being loaded into a process

Here is an example of “conhost.exe” loading “ntdll.dll” :

EID 5 — Image Load

Other interesting events generated by this provider are :

  • EID 2 — Process termination (Stop)
  • EID 6 — Image unload


File Creation

  • EID: 10 / 30
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-File/Analytic
  • Description: Capture file creation event

Here is an example showing “svchost.exe” creating a prefetch file for when i executed “python.exe”:

EID 30 — File Creation

File Deletion

  • EID: 11
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-File/Analytic
  • Description: Capture file deletion

Here is an example showing the deletion of the file “example.txt” using the “del” command for example :

EID 11 — File Deletion

Similar to the “Kernel-Process” provider, other interesting events exists that i suggest you check out.


Attempted Connection

  • EID: 12
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Network/Analytic
  • Description: Capture attempts of initial connection to an IP

Here is an example showing “chrome.exe” attempting to connect to my python server on port “4444”:

EID 12 — Attempted Connection

Established Connection

  • EID: 15
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Network/Analytic

Here is an example showing that the previous connection has been established :

EID 15 — Connection established

N° of Bytes Transmitted / Received

  • EID: 10 and 11
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Network/Analytic

These events capture the number of bytes transmitted and received to and from a server. Can be helpful to determine if data has been exfiltrated. Here is an example :

These events capture TCPv4 data. This provider also captures events for TCPv6, UDPv4, and UDPv6.


This provider contains a lot of useful events from on action performed on the registry such as:

  • CreateKey (EID 1)
  • OpenKey (EID 2)
  • DeleteKey (EID 3)
  • QueryKey (EID 4)
  • SetValueKey (EID 5)
  • DeleteValueKey (EID 6)
  • QueryValueKey (EID 7)
  • EnumerateKey (EID 8)
  • EnumerateValueKey (EID 9)

These events are straightforward and simple to understand. They are available also in the “Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Registry/Analytic” channel.


This provider is straight forward has only two events that indicate when an svchost process started and stopped

Svchost Process Start

  • EID: 101
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Services-Svchost/Diagnostic

Svchost Process Stop

  • EID: 102
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-Services-Svchost/Diagnostic


LDAP Search

  • EID: 30
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-LDAP-Client/Debug
  • Description: Captures LDAP search query from different LDAP clients.

Below is an example of queries performed from the client “ldapbrowser.exe” :

EID 30 — LDAP Search

If we used a similar client such as the MMC console “Active Directory Users and Computers” snap-in we obtain the same result. In theory, since the events are handled by the “wldap32.dll” dll. Every process that loads this and should generate these events.


COM Interface Usage / Call

  • EID: 2
  • Channel: Microsoft-Windows-COMRuntime/Tracing

Here is an example of an event generated by this provider

We can see the target method and interface use that can help us for example to find DCOM lateral movement attempts.


This provider contains some interesting events. I talk about some that are present in the “operational” channel in a previous blog but there are some others available only on the “Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon/Diagnostic” channel. Such as :

  • “Fail” and “Successful” attempts to “Lock” or “Unlock” a computer
  • “Successful” or “Failed” logon

Here is an example showing a sequence of “Lock” and “Unlock”

TimeStamp: 2021-08-25 22:27:10EID: 6113Operation: LOCKProcessId: 712ProcessName: winlogon.exeProcess Commandline: winlogon.exeThreadId: 460Event Description: LOCK Started--------------------------------------------------------------------TimeStamp: 2021-08-25 22:27:15EID: 6105Operation: UNLOCKProcessId: 712ProcessName: winlogon.exeProcess Commandline: winlogon.exeThreadId: 460Event Description: UNLOCK Started--------------------------------------------------------------------TimeStamp: 2021-08-25 22:27:15EID: 6107Operation: UNLOCKProcessId: 712ProcessName: winlogon.exeProcess Commandline: winlogon.exeThreadId: 460Event Description: UNLOCK Failed (Reason : 1326)--------------------------------------------------------------------TimeStamp: 2021-08-25 22:27:17EID: 6105Operation: UNLOCKProcessId: 712ProcessName: winlogon.exeProcess Commandline: winlogon.exeThreadId: 460Event Description: UNLOCK Started--------------------------------------------------------------------TimeStamp: 2021-08-25 22:27:17EID: 6106Operation: UNLOCKProcessId: 712ProcessName: winlogon.exeProcess Commandline: winlogon.exeThreadId: 460Event Description: UNLOCK Successful (Reason : 0)


This provider export some events through the “Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RDPClient” event log “operational” channel and some through the “analytic” channel. One of the interesting events provided are both

  • EID 1001
  • EID 1102

That indicates when a user initiates an RDP connection from his machine. So for example using “mstsc.exe” to connect to a server, we get the following event :

EID 1102


With this provider, we can capture RPC Server/Client Calls as shown in the images below

Server RPC Call Start

  • EID: 5
  • Channel: Debug

Client RPC Call Start

  • EID: 6
  • Channel: Debug


This concludes our quick tour in ETW provider land. I just showcased some of the events I found interesting and there many more out there to find.

All of the events mentioned here were captured using the python “pywintrace” library. All of the scripts used and more are available in the Github repository.

Thanks for reading and I hope you got something out of this. If you have any questions or remarks send them my way on Twitter @nas_bench

