Completely Free Books and Learning Resources

Nasreddine Bencherchali
4 min readSep 11, 2020
Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev on Unsplash

Learning is such an essential part of our lives, in my opinion the more we read and learn the more we grow as humans and One way we know of to learn and gain knowledge is the act of reading, specifically reading books.

Accessing something as prestigious as books can often be an expensive act in term of money. After all books are not cheap. Fortunately, the internet is here for the rescue.

If you are one that is seeking knowledge, is an avid learner and doesn’t get annoyed with owning digital books instead of physical ones. Than I would like to share with you in this blog post some resources (Books and Websites) I’ve found that can help you on your quest of learning.

Please note that as the following resources and books will mostly touch the field of computer science, with topics such as: Programming languages, Cloud, Machine Learning…etc.

Python and Python Internals

The first set of books I wanted to share are related to python and its internals. In my opinion they are great books to get you started and to deepen your understanding on the subject matter.

Inside The Python Virtual Machine

Object Oriented Programming with Python

Intermediate Python


PowerShell holds a place near and dear to my heart, here is a little list of the books that I recommend that are completely free

PowerShell 101

Secrets of PowerShell Remoting

Don Jones’ PowerShell 4N00bs

PowerShell by Mistake

The DevOps Collective

Raspberry Pi

If you’re into the raspberry Pi like I am, here are a couple of resources to get you started and get some ideas and inspiration.

Instant Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Tips and Tricks

The MagPi magazine

Machine Learning and Data Science

I find the field of machines learning and data science a very interesting one. The ideas that stems from machine learning projects is often reminiscent of the old Sci-Fi books that we read.

So i often try to read up as much on the subject as i can. Here a little list of free resources and books to get you started.

R for Data Science

Machine Learning Yearning

Natural Language Processing with Python

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R

Mathematics for Machine Learning

Microsoft Learn

This online platform provides an amazing resource of learning to everything related to Microsoft and windows, it touches on multiples subjects ranging from the office suite to the cloud and Microsoft Azure.

Also by Microsoft and for any security professionals reading and wanting to learn more about their ATP

Programming Notes for Professionals books

This website provides books in notes like format. It covers multiple languages ranging from C and C++ to Bash, SQL, VBA, Java, Node…etc.

Kaggle — Learn Python, Data Viz, Pandas

The following website provide learning material in subjects like: Python, Machine learning, Pandas, SQL…etc.

Packt Free Learning

Packt is an amazing website that contains tons of books, most of them are not free and are quite expensive, but fortunately packt has a section called “Free Learning” that will give anyone who has an account a free daily book.

This is a no-brainer for anyone who loves reading.

I really hope you find this list useful and support the authors in their endeavors.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list nor a top list. These are just books that I found useful in my learning and are completely free.

Please feel free to recommend me other books @nas_bench on twitter and i’ll gladly update this list with any new learning materials.

Happy reading.



Nasreddine Bencherchali

I write about #Detection and #WindowsInternals. Follow fore interesting Windows tidbits